讲师 | 个人简介
张小希/Xiaoxi Zhang,毕业于华中师范大学(历史学学士,2012年)、美国印第安纳大学布鲁明顿分校(历史学硕士,2014年)以及普林斯顿大学(古典学博士,2020年)。主要研究方向是罗马共和国晚期的政治史及社会文化史。同时,对希腊罗马文化在日本的接受情况亦有兴趣。2021年4月至2023年2月,其在上海大学世界史博士后流动站从事博士后研究,期间获得上海市高层次青年人才称号。2023年3月起,担任上海大学文学院历史系讲师。
I earned my degrees from Central China Normal University (BA in History, 2012), Indiana University at Bloomington (MA in History, 2014), and Princeton University (PhD in Classics, 2020). I specialize in the political, social, and cultural history of the Late Roman Republic. But I have also developed an interest in the reception of Greco-Roman culture in Japan, which culminated in my article that explores Mishima Yukio’s三島由紀夫 philhellenism via a close reading of his travelog titled Aporo no sakazuki アポロの杯 (Apollo’s Cup). Between April 2021 and February 2023, I was a postdoctoral fellow at Shanghai University, where I am now Assistant Professor in History.My email address is xiaoxizhang at shu.edu.cn (please replace “at” with @).
电子邮箱:xiaoxizhang at shu.edu.cn(请将at替换为@)
代表性成果 学术出版
1. “Why Did Cicero Betroth Tullia to Furius Crassipes?” Classical World (A&HCI), Vol. 115, No. 3, Spring 2022, pp. 279-290.(独撰) 2. “From ‘the Land of the Rising Sun’ to ‘the Countries of the Sun’: Mishima Yukio in Greece and Italy.” Classical Receptions Journal (A&HCI), Vol. 15, No. 1, January 2023, pp. 85-100.(独撰) 3. “T. Pomponius Atticus, M. Vipsanius Agrippa, and the Marriage Between Caecilia Attica And Agrippa.” American Journal of Philology (A&HCI), Vol. 145, No. 3, Fall 2024, pp. 375-406.(独撰) 4. 《古罗马文明文献选读》(独立编著),中西书局待出(预计2025年春)。 项目
1. 2023年国家社科基金青年项目(主持)